The machine was a vast fortress, containing no life, set by its long-dead masters to destroy anything that lived. After a prolonged hiatus, during which I earned a PhD, I am back to make updates to this site. Here is a review of Rogue Berserker. Co-authored by Fred Saberhagen and Jane Lindskold! Click for more info. Publication date is not yet certain.
Musings and Interests of David Stipes. Posted on December 9th, 2013. In order to share this fine article with more people, I invited Diane Cook to re-post her experiences in modeling a steampunk style mechanical horse. Diane has generously agreed and offers these reflections. Forced Perspective and Foreground Miniatures. Posted on December 6th, 2013. After meeting with the c.
Io Plume by John Kaufman. Cosmic Chasm 2 by Dan Durda, FIAAA. Proxima by Mark Garlick, FIAAA. Jovian HD23079 by David A. Fire and Stars by Chris Doll. Even more space art and great astronomical things to see there! .
Wednesday, July 22, 2015. I recently had some time on my hands and created these collages - one for each Star Trek. Film They feature some of my favourite images of Leonard Nimoy as Spock. Wednesday, May 27, 2015. Good Vulcanologists will know that the famous Vasquez Rocks have stood in for Vulcan on more than one occasion. In fact, Star Trek. Monday, May 25, 2015.
Uncharted Content from the Final Frontier - Since 1999. Updated August 23, 2014. Make-up, graphics, illustrator and visual effects artist for Star Trek. Productions ranging from The Next Generation. Author of the Star Fleet Technical Manual. And the Star Trek Blueprints.
The scale model failures and achievements of Tony McCash. Tuesday, August 19, 2014. Well, just as I get this thing rolling, I have to stop. At least for a while. I am moving out of a house with a garage and into a condo without one. So, this hobby is on hold for the foreseeable future. Saturday, August 2, 2014. First thing to do was drill out all of those windows! .
Network Solutions, LLC.
Network Solutions, LLC.
13861 Sunrise Valley Drive
Herndon, VA, 20171
Ricksters Ride Around The U. Wednesday, May 12, 2010. My riding buddy, David Mcintire, and I decided to try a 48 state in 10 days ride this spring. I wanted to do the ride for several years and David gave me the opportunity to ride with him and see the country. The ride to Cortez portended the ride to come. We rode to find a new station and then David and his intrepid side ki.
Saturday, May 14, 2011. Maloof Memorial Brunch - June 5th. Friday, March 11, 2011. Tuesday, February 1, 2011.
Thursday, August 4, 2011. Thursday, February 24, 2011. Click here to view feature. Sunday, September 12, 2010. I have put together a video showing the progression of an oil painting titled Threshold. Tuesday, June 22, 2010.
From One to Another 2017. 55-12 Limited edition fine art print.
Ldquo;Morning Dwight William Tryon oil on panel 1907 14 x 19. Joseph Mallord William Turner love the texture and palette choices.